1 reading skill
2 writing skill
Recognizing signal words of time
What types of signal words do you know?
Signal words of listing information, explanation, example, summary, change of thought, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, time sequence, purpose, emphasis, etc.
The importance of time signal words
How are the signal words of time helpful?
Signal words of time help the reader keep track of important details or stages of an event. They are especially important for narrative or biographical writings.How do the time signal words in red help you to understand the paragraph?
Frederick Wallace Smith was born into a wealthy family clan on August 11, 1944 in Mississippi. His father died when he was just four years old. As a juvenile, Smith was an invalid, suffering from a disease that left him unable to walk normally. He was picked on by bullies, and he learned to defend himself by swinging at them with his alloy walking stick. Cured of the disease by the age of 10, he became a star athlete in high school, playing football, basketball, and baseball.
The forms of time signal words
specific numbers like dates or years: 1997
numerical words: first, second, third
prepositions: before... after... By..
adverbs: subsequently, finally...then
verbs: precede...elapsed
conjunctions: When, while, as
Different types of time signal worlds could add to the variety of writing and avoid repetition, which makes an article more readable.