把所有因素都考虑进去,现代人很难过自给自足的生活。With all factored in, it is hard for the modern man to live off the grid.
那年冬天,粮食供应被切断后,伤病员靠吃野菜渡过了难关。When food supplies were cut off that winter, the sick and wounded soldiers managed to scrape by on wild herbs.
民族设计的生命力取决于其汲取民族文化精髓的多少。The vitality of national designs depends on how much essence they have extracted from national culture.
他宁愿为明人跑腿,也不愿为蠢人主事。He’d rather run errands for the wise than take charge of affairs for the stupid.
在当代社会,快速变化的时尚迎合了人们追求新奇和个性的需求。In the contemporary world, rapidly changing styles cater to people’s desire for novelty and individualism.
只要全中国人民团结起来,中华民族就可度过任何艰难险阻。The Chinese nation will come through any hardships and dangers as long as the Chinese people hang together as a whole.
他们在外面吵闹,弄得我无法入睡。They were making such a racket outside that I couldn't get to sleep.
她认为女性要从旧的束缚中自我解放出来,并且使自己尽可能独立。She holds the viewpoint that women need to emancipate themselves from old restrictions and give themselves as much independence as they can.
借酒浇愁,愁更愁。He who drowns his sorrow in liquor gets his sorrow doubled.
自赏孤芳,难以与百花相融。The solitary flower that drowns itself in self-admiration finds it hard to fit in with all sorts of flowers.
有时候,人需要憧憬幸福的明天。There are times when one needs to long for happy days to come.
有时候,人要反思自己的价值观和生活态度。There are times when one should reflect on one’s values and attitudes toward life.
这就是人日趋提高能力的作用—它就像一名孕妇,随着时间推移而出类拔萃。This is what one’s ever-better ability is for—it is like a pregnant woman who, with the passage of time, will stand out from others.
这就是榜样的作用—他们可为我们日常行为的楷模。This is what the good examples are for— they serve as the role models to our actions in daily life.
他无法改变她的性格,就像他无法让太阳从西边升起一样。He could no more change her character than he could have the sun rise in the west.
我无法失去你的爱,就像我无法度过没有阳光的漫漫冬季一样。I could no more lose your love than I could get through a long winter without sunlight.
毋容置疑,如果忙碌是一种幸福,那我们就不会有时间感受其痛苦了。No doubt, had busyness been a form of happiness, we would have had no time to feel its pain.
毋容置疑,如果人们重视一个个小改变,那就可期待未来的大惊喜。No doubt, had people made much of one small change after another, they would have looked forward to a great surprise in time to come.
他没有意识到好心也会办坏事,因为这样的事情很少被提及过。As such things were seldom spoken of, he did not realize how likely his good intentions were to serve the devil.
由于此类事情从未谈及,你就意识不到平凡人也常常会过出不平凡的人生。As such things are never spoken of, you don’t realize how often ordinary people live an extraordinary life.
设想这样的校园:在这里,学习上人人创优,创新上个个争先。Imagine a campus where everyone creates excellence in study and rivals for priority in innovation.
设想这样一个社会:在这里,人人从善如流。Imagine a society where everyone follows good advice as naturally as a river runs its course.
如果新闻报道是真的,似乎这个月底他们就会面临大规模裁员的现实。If the news is true, it seems they would be faced with the reality of mass layoffs at the end of this month.
如果这种定义是真的,那似乎女权主义者将会挑起全社会的暴乱,进而破除惯例,消灭传统,甚至在此过程中毁掉每个人的生命!If this definition is true, it seems feminists would be the provocation for insurgencies across the whole of society, breaking routines, eradicating traditions and ruining everyone’s lives in the process!
归根结底,女权主义指的是男人和女人应该拥有平等的机会。Distilled to its essence, feminism is the idea that men and women should have equal opportunities.
人生,说到底,活的是心情。Life, distilled to its essence, is lived for moods.
如果一位男士认为女人都应该坚持做记录员或助产士,而把“好”工作留给需要养家的男人,那么,他与一名信奉严格的性别隔离制度或一名坚持认为女人不应该到外面或和陌生人说话的男性比起来,要更加具有女权意识。A man who believes that women should stick to working as transcribing secretaries or midwives and leave the “good” jobs to men with families is more feminist than a man who believes in strict segregation of the genders or who insists that a woman shouldn’t leave the house or speak to strangers.
一个人失败后重整旗鼓,要比失败后自暴自弃更令人敬佩。A man who starts afresh with greater forces after failure is more respectable than a man who has no urge to make progress after failure.
即使是一个只知道画眼线、涂唇膏和参加聚会而其他什么也不做的“花瓶太太”,她也具有足够的女权意识,认为自己不应该是丈夫的人质,不应该因对丈夫说“不”而遭到殴打也不敢报警。A “trophy wife” who does nothing but apply eye liner and lipstick and go to parties is still feminist enough to believe she shouldn’t be hostage to her husband, unable to go to the police if he attacks her for telling him “no”.
老骥伏枥,志在千里。An aged steed in the stable is still aspiring enough to aim for far-off future.