Dropping out of school and making a million or two has become something like a trademark of young entrepreneurs. 退学之后挣个一两百万已经成为了年轻创业者的标签。
People are amazed at the large number of millionaires who dropped out of college to get rich. 人们感到很惊讶,退学之后成为富翁的人数是如此之多。
Steve Jobs, who only attended Reed College for one semester, became one of the most powerful and influential businesspeople in the US; 史蒂夫•乔布斯仅在里德学院上了一个学期就退学,之后成为了美国最有影响力的企业家之一;
Bill Gates, who quitted his education to found his own company making software, became the CEO of Microsoft; 比尔•盖茨退学之后创立了自己的软件公司,并成为微软的首席执行官;
Mark Zuckerberg (马克•扎克伯格), who dropped out of Harvard University to entirely dedicate his time to his project, started the company Facebook. 马克•扎克伯格从哈佛大学退学,专心致力于自己的项目,创立了脸书公司。
Sure these billionaires dropped out at some point in their post-secondary education and made their fortunes, but they are the exception, not the rule.确实,这些亿万富翁都在高等教育阶段退学,而且赚了很多钱,但他们是例外,并非常规。
It should be noted that quitting college was not the thing that made these people rich. Hard work, dedication and passion were the factors that helped for that. 需要注意的是退学并不是使他们致富的原因,勤奋、专注和热情才是他们成功的秘诀。
So, it is important to stay in school and get the degree. 因此,上学并获得学位是非常重要的。
Unless, of course, you have a brilliant idea to transform an industry and the means with which to start on that path without a degree, then by all means go for it. 当然了,除非你有能够改变一个行业的绝妙想法,并且即使没有学位就拥有所需要的技能,那样的话,就大胆地退学创业吧。
The truth is many dropouts end up never achieving the same levels of success as those who got their degrees.
近年来,社会的发展和就业形势的变化对大学生提出了更高的要求。In recent years, the social development and changes in employment situation have put higher requirements on college students.
越来越多的大学生不再局限于书本知识的学习,他们开始走出“象牙塔”,利用业余时间积极投身于社会实践活动。 Instead of confining themselves to the knowledge in books, more and more college students are stepping out of the "Ivory Tower" and taking an active part in social practice in their spare time.
通过社会实践活动,大学生可以更多地了解社会,增强社会责任感,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。Through social practice, college students can have a deeper understanding of society, increase their sense of social responsibility, and improve their analytical and problem-solving abilities.
同时,参加社会实践活动还可以帮助学生认识到自身的不足,明确未来努力的方向。Meanwhile, taking part in social practice can also help students recognize their own shortcomings and have a clear idea about where they are to go in the future.
所有这些都将为他们积累社会阅历和工作经验,为未来的就业或创业打下良好的基础。 All these benefits will help them build up social and work experience, which will lay a solid foundation for them in finding jobs or starting their own businesses in the future.