Note Names and the Keyboard
Pitch Basics: Note Names and the Keyboard
Until now we have simply referred toparticular notes and pitches in the examples as "the highest,""the lowest," or else according to particular words to which theywere sung. Presently, we shall see how musical notes and pitches are morecommonly referred to by letter names. Our introduction to note names will beaided visually through reference to a piano keyboard, a portion of which ispresented below as Example 6. Whereas a full piano keyboard has 88 keys, wehave here shown only 24.
Example 6. A segment of a piano keyboard.
Pitches on the keyboard ascend by semitonefrom left to right. On the segment of the keyboard presented above, the seriesof ascending semitones follows the pattern (starting at the left): white key,black key, white, black, white, black, white, white, black, white, black,white, white, black, and so on.
The white keys (and the pitches they play)are named using the letters A through G. Ascending alphabetical order reflectsascending pitch; after G, the letters recycle, beginning again from A. Pitches(and and piano keys) an octave apart are given the same letter name. Forexample, the key and note labeled F in the middle of the example is an octavehigher than the key labeled F at the far left of the example. Adjacent whitekeys that have an intervening black key (i.e. A-B, C-D, D-E, F-G, G-A) aredistant by a whole tone. The white keys B-C and E-F by contrast have nointervening black key; the intervals between B-C and E-F are semitones.
白键(和它们所播放的音高)用字母A到G来命名。按字母顺序排列反映了上升音高;在G之后,字母从A重新开始循环。相距一个八度的音调(和钢琴键)被赋予相同的字母名称。例如,在示例中间标记为F的键和音符,比在示例最左侧标记为F的键高八度。具有中间黑键(即A-B,C-D,D-E,F-G,G-A)的相邻白键,远离一整个音调。相比之下,白键B-C和E-F没有中间黑键; B-C和E-F之间的音程是半音。
The symbol # (called the sharp sign ) addedto any note name raises the pitch of that note by a semitone. For example, thenote A# (read, "A-sharp") is a semitone higher than the note A. Theblack key just to the right of the white note A plays the note A# . Similarly,the note C#, which sounds a semitone higher than C, is played by the black keyjust to the right of C.
The symbol b (called the flat sign) addedto any note name lowers the pitch of that note by a semitone. For example, thenote Eb (read, "E-flat") is a semitone lower than the note E. Theblack key just to the left of E plays the note Eb. Similarly, the note Bb ,which sounds a semitone lower than B, is played by the black key just to theleft of B.
The alert reader will have noticed that wegave the same black piano key--and for that matter the same pitch--twodifferent names: the black key to the right of A and the left of B is called A#but also Bb. This is not a mistake. The same sound in music can have differentnames--a composer might use one name instead of the other to make the musiceasier for a performer to read, or else (as we will see shortly) to adhere tocertain conventions when writing music in a particular key. Other identicallysounding notes have different names: F# versus Gb, G# versus Ab. Differentlynamed notes that have the same sound are said to be enharmonically related.
有警觉的读者会注意到,我们给了相同的黑色琴键 - 就此而言,相同的音调 - 两个不同的名字:A右边和B左边的黑键叫做A#和Bb。这不是一个错误。音乐中的相同声音可以有不同的名称 - 作曲家可以使用一个名称而不是另一个来使音乐更易于演奏者阅读,或者(正如我们会很快发现)在特定的键写入音乐时会遵循某些约定。其他相同的音符有不同的名字:F#与Gb,G#与Ab。据说声音相同而命名不同的音符被称为是等音的。
NOTE: when one talks about all notes namedC, or all notes named F#, rather than any particular C or particular F#, onesometimes refers to the tone C or the tone F#. Observe that in this case, tonedoes not refer to the specific interval of whole tone, but to a class of notesor pitches. Tone is a word that unfortunately has accumulated many meaningsover its thousands of years in musical usage.