6.8 My Favorite Fitness Activity 美丽身材是怎样练成的?
1. 最喜爱的事物的表达方式
George is much into _______.
Annie is keen on ________________.
Sarah is obsessed with ______.
Amy is dying to ________ since she’s ________.
Tina is a follower of _____.
2. 关于某事物内容的表达方式
It generally involves / includes ____________________.
It is an exercise involving / including _________________________.
3. 关于某事物功效特色的表达方式
It helps me improve my _____________________.
It’s one of the best ways to prevent ___________________.
This type of training can be very efficient when it comes to ___________.
4. 做某事的时间及频率的表达方式
I work out every day. 我每天都锻炼身体。
I go to the gym every Saturday afternoon. 我每周六下午去健身房。
I attend the aerobic class once a week. 我一周去参加一次有氧健身班。