Travel by Public Transportation
9.2 Travel by Public Transportation 坐着“公”的去旅行
1. 在街上,问路
问路用语:Could you please tell me howto get to…?
指路用语:Go down this street.
Turn right.
Turn left.
It’s on thecorner.
2. 在公交车上,询问车票、车站信息
询问车票价格:How much should I pay?
司机询问人数:How many are you?
司机提醒乘客:Put the coins into thefare-box.
询问何处下车:Would you please tell uswhen the bus arrives at the railway station?”
3. 在火车上,应对查票
列车员查票:May I see your ticketplease?
询问餐车位置:Do you know where the diningcar is?
4. 在飞机上,用餐
服务员询问:What would you like to drink/eat?
服务员提醒:Please press that button if you need any help.
表达感谢:So nice you are.
5. 在地铁站,询问线路信息
询问地铁线路:Can you tell me which line Ishould take?
地铁员工:You should take…linetowards…
表达感谢:You’ve been very helpful.