Explain why it is important to use concise, simple, coherent, vivid, humorous and appropriate language.
Choose effective and charming language.
Please preview the words before watching the video.
1. Communicative [kə'mjuːnɪkətɪv]adj. 交际的;爱说话的,健谈的;无隐讳交谈的
2. tone[təʊn]n. 语气;色调;音调;音色
3. volume ['vɒljuːm]音量
4. rhyme [raɪm] n.韵律 vi. 押韵
5. extensive [ɪk'stensɪv; ek-] adj. 广泛的;大量的;广阔的
6. stumble over给…绊倒;结结巴巴地说
7. synonym ['sɪnənɪm]n. 同义词;同义字
8. jargon ['dʒɑːg(ə)n]n. 行话,术语;黄锆石
9. arrogant['ærəg(ə)nt]adj. 自大的,傲慢的
10. undermine [ʌndə'maɪn]vt. 破坏,渐渐破坏;挖掘地基
11. endeavor [ɪn'devə] n.v. 努力;尽力(等于endeavour)
12. inclusive society包容性社会, 全纳社会
13. try one’s utmost竭尽全力
14. get to the point直截了当地说
15. brevity['brevɪtɪ]n. 简洁,简短
16. carve[kɑːv] vt. 雕刻;切开;开创
17. cut down删节
18. pet phrase口头禅
19. clichés /'kli:ʃei/陈词滥调,老生常谈
20. clutter ['klʌtə] 杂乱、复杂的语言
21. redundancy [rɪ'dʌnd(ə)nsɪ]多余;重复;累赘
22. redundant[rɪ'dʌnd(ə)nt] adj. 多余的,过剩的
23. circular construction圆形建筑物
24. pompous frill华而不实的装饰
25. modifier 修饰语
Please watch the video.
Questions to be discussed in class:
Why should we use simple and concise language in public speaking? List at least three reasons.
What are the characters of simple and consice language?
Study the speech and immitate the speaker.
TimUrban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
Questions to be discussed in class:
What figure of speech did he apply to explain the brain of aprocrastinator?
What are the characteristics of an Instant GratificationMonkey?
Please define “procrastinator” in your own words.
Please share a personal story as a procrastinator.
What’s the Dark Playground?
What’s the worst situation for a procrastinator? Why?
What’s the effect of the ending?