Explain why it is important to use concise, simple, coherent, vivid, humorous and appropriate language.
Choose effective and charming language.
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1. infuse [ɪn'fjuːz]vt. 灌输;使充满;浸渍
2. play a trick(搞)恶作剧,捉弄
3. ludicrous ['luːdɪkrəs; 'ljuː-]adj.滑稽的;荒唐的
4. incongruous [ɪn'kɒŋgrʊəs]adj.不协调的;不一致的;不和谐的
5. commercial artist商业广告艺术家
6. playwrightn. 剧作家
7. political leaning政治取向
8. put your foot in your mouth说错话(非正式)
9. Irony ['aɪrənɪ]n. 讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事
10. self-effacinghumor自谦的幽默
11. self-deprecating[,self'deprikeitiŋ]自贬的幽默
12. forum ['fɔːrəm] n. 论坛,讨论会
13. anecdote ['ænɪkdəʊt]n. 轶事;奇闻;秘史
14. handicaplots残疾人专用停车位
15. one-liner n. 小笑话,俏皮话
16. arrogantly['ærəgəntli]adv.傲慢地;自大地
17. pun [pʌn]双关语;俏皮话
18. leopard['lepəd]n.豹;美洲豹
19. Soda苏打水
20. soft drink软饮,不含酒精的饮料
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