  • 职称:教授
  • 性别:男


Dr Leung Bo Wah is award winningprofessor of music for his research in incorporating Cantonese opera intoformal music curriculum. Currently Associate Professor of Music Education atthe Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) where he joined as a member ofmusic faculty in 1995, Leung received the prestigious Musical Rights Award fromthe International Music Council of UNESCO in 2011 as well as the KnowledgeTransfer Award from the HKIEd in 2012 for his leadership in a research projectentitled “CollaborativeProject on Teaching Cantonese Opera in Primary and Secondary Schools”. During his tenure in HKIEd, he has also made significantachievement in developing pedagogy in creative music making for Hong Kongschools, which encourages students' proactive involvement in creative musicalactivities in class. This important research has been resulted in a publicationof teaching kit of “Creating Music Making in Schools” and a series of music textbooks for the general use of all schoolsin Hong Kong. Leung is a prolific writer and has published different researchpapers in leading journals and edited books including the International Journalof Music Education, Research Studies in Music Education, and the OxfordHandbook of Music Education. His Chinese book “TeachingCreative Music Making: New trend for the new century”(Excellence Pub., 2005) is Hong Kong’s firstpublication of creativity in music teaching and learning. Other than hisprofessional practice with HKIEd, Leung also serves as Adjunct Professor ofMusic at the Northeast Normal University of China, Board Member ofInternational Society for Music Education (ISME), Board Member of Asia-PacificSymposium for Music Education Research (APSMER), founding President of the HongKong Association of Music Education, co-editor of the International Journal ofMusic Education: Practice, founding co-editor of Asia-Pacific Journal for ArtsEducation, and Specialist (Performing Arts and Education) of the Hong KongCouncil for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications. Leungreceived his BA in music and PGDE from the Chinese University if Hong Kong(1987 & 1991), MA in music education from Hong Kong Baptist University(1995) and PhD from the University of New South Wales (2002).


Research Interests

Creativity in music

Music curriculum development

Motivation in composing music

Teaching Cantonese opera inclassroom

Transformative learning


Selected Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs andChapters

  Research book or monograph(author)


  Chapter in an editedbook (author)

Colley, B. D., Eidsaa, R. M., Kenny,A.,& Leung, B. W. (2012). Creativity in music education partnership:Policies and practice. In G. McPherson, & G. Welch (Eds.), The Oxford handbookof music education (408-425). New York: Oxford University Press.

Leong, S., Burnard, P., Jeanneret,N., Leung, B. W., & Waugh, C. (2012). Assessing creativity in music:International perspectives and practices. In G. McPherson, & G. Welch(Eds.), The Oxford handbook of music education (389-407). New York: OxfordUniversity Press.

Leung, B. W., & Leung, E. C. K.(2012). Teacher-artist partnership in teaching Cantonese opera in Hong Kongschools: Student. In M. Moore (Ed.), Critical essays in music education(281-306). Surrey, UK: Ashgate.

Leung, B. W. (2009). Creativity andissues of continuity and change: counterpoint and interlock. In M. Mans (Ed.),Living in worlds of music: A view of education and values (177-181). Dordrecht:Springer.

Leung, B. W. (2007). Internationalcommentary: Teaching music composition in Hong Kong. In L. Bresler (Ed.),International Handbook of Research in Arts Education (475-476). Dordrecht:Springer.

Leung, B. W. (2007). Internationalcommentary: Teaching music composition in Hong Kong: An overview. In L. Bresla(Ed.), International Handbook of Research in Arts Education (1223-1224).Dordrecht: Springer.

Leung, B. W. (2004). Equippingin-service music teachers to undertake creative music-making activities in HongKong secondary schools: Implications for teacher education. In P. M. Shand(Ed.), Music education entering the 21st century (117-121). Nedlands:International Society for Music Education.

Leung, B. W. (2003). Teachingmusicianship in Hong Kong: Current issues and future trends. In S. Leong (Ed.),Musicianship in the 21st-century: Issues, Trends & Possibilities (170-185).Sydney: Australian Music Centre.

Leung, B. W. (2000). Review andanalysis of the educational purposes of the official music curriculum for HongKong primary schools. Y. C. Cheng, K. W. Chow, & K. T. Tsui (Eds.), Schoolcurriculum change and development in Hong Kong (425-444). Hong Kong: Hong KongInstitute of Education.

 Edited book (editor)


Moore, M., & Leung, B. W. (Eds.)(2006). School Music and Teacher Education: A Global Perspective in the NewCentury. 212 pp., Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.

Mans, M. & Leung, B. W. (Eds.)(2005). Music in Schools for All Children: From Research to Effective Practice.Granada: The University of Granada.

譚祥安、梁寶華(編) (2004). 藝術教育新取向:方法及個案研究. 香港: 香港教育學院.

Journal Publications


  Publication in refereedjournal

Tang, C. L. & Leung, B. W.(2012). Applying the Variation Theory in teaching Cantonese opera (Yueju) toimprove learning. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 1(3),261-275.

Xie, J., & Leung, B. W. (2011).Students’motivation to study music: The mainland China context. Research Studies inMusic Education, 33 (1), 283-296. 

Leung, B. W. & McPherson, G. E.(2011). Case studies of factors affecting the motivation of high musicachievers in Hong Kong to learn music. Music Education Research, 13 (1), 69-91.

Leung, B. W. & McPherson, G. E. (2010).Students’motivation in studying music: The Hong Kong context. Research Studies in MusicEducation, 32(2), 155-168. 

Leung, B.W, & Leung, E.C.K.(2010). Teacher-Artist Partnership in Teaching Cantonese Opera in Hong KongSchools: Student Transformation. International Journal of Education & theArts, 11(5), 1-26. 

Leung, B. W. (2008). The effects ofcomposition assignments and teacher presentation on student motivation insecondary schools. Music Education Research International, 2, 21-34.

Leung, B. W. (2008). Factorsaffecting the motivation of Hong Kong primary school students in composingmusic. International Journal of Music Education: Research, 26 (1), 47-62. 

Leung, B. W. (2007). Changes inself-reported motivation and attitudes of secondary students following musiccompositional activities. Research in Arts Education, 13, 1-27.

Leung, B. W., & Wong, W. Y. P.(2005). Matching music teacher's self conception with students' perception onteaching effectiveness in an unfavourable secondary classroom context.Complutense Electronic Journal of Research in Music Education, 2, 1-18. 

Leung, B. W. (2004). A framework forundertaking creative music-making activities in Hong Kong secondary schools.Research Studies in Music Education, 23, 59-75.

Leung, B. W. & McPherson, G. E.(2002). Professional composers and curriculum planners perceptions aboutcreativity in Hong Kong school music. Music Education International, 1, 67-77.

Leung, B. W. (2000). Factorsaffecting Hong Kong secondary music teachers’ application of creative music-makingactivities in. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education and Development, 3(1),245-263.

  Publication in policy orprofessional journal

Leung, B. W. (2005). Resources formusic education advocacy. International Journal of Music Education, 23 (2),167-174. 

Conference Papers

  Refereed conference paper

Leung, B. W. (2012, May).Conservatory Tradition and Oral Tradition in transmitting the Cantonese opera.Paper presented at the 8th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,Champaign, USA.

Leung, B. W. (2011, April).Misconception of teaching ethnic music: Employing a teacher-artists partnershipapproach in teaching. The 7th International Conference for Research in MusicEducation, Exeter, UK.

Leung, B. W. (2010, July).Teacher-artist partnership in teaching Cantonese opera in Hong Kong schools:Teacher transformation. Proceedings of the 23rd International Seminar onResearch in Music Education, Changchun, China.

Leung, B. W., & Leung, C. K. E.(2009, June). Teacher-artist partnership in teaching Cantonese opera in HongKong schools: Student transformation. Paper presented at the 7th Asia-PacificSymposium on Music Education Research of International Society for MusicEducation Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2009, Shanghai, China.

Leung, B. W., & McPherson, G. E.(2009, April). Factor affecting 24 high music achievers' motivation in learningmusic: A multiple case study in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 6thInternational Conference for Research in Music Education, Exeter, UK.

Leung, B. W. (2007, February).Effects on introducing composition to secondary music classes: Motivationalchanges and pedagogical issues. Paper presented at the Suncoast Music EducationResearch Symposium, Tampa.

Leung, B. W. (2005, July). Aninvestigation on motivation changes of secondary students on composingactivities in Hong Kong. Proceedings to the 5th Asia-Pacific Symposium on MusicEducation Research (CD ROM), Seattle.

Creative and Literary Works,Consulting Reports and Case Studies

Leung, B.W. (2011). HKIEd SymphonicBand& CUHK Wind Orchestra Joint Band Concert (Tsuen Wan Town Hall). HongKong.

Leung, B. W. (2010). HKIEd SymphonicBand Annual Concert (Conductor & Music Director). Hong Kong.

Wong, W. Y. P., So, M. C. A., &Leung, B. W. (2008). Choral festival closing ceremony and new year concert.China: Northeast Normal University.

Leung, B. W. (2011). Translation ofsix abstracts, International Journal of Music Education, 29(1). Perth: SAGEPub.

All Other Outputs

Leung, B. W. & Tam, C. O. (Eds.)(2010). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 8 . Hong Kong Institute ofEducation. Hong Kong.

Leung, B. W. & Tam, C. O. (Eds.)(2009). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 7 . Hong Kong Institute ofEducation. Hong Kong.

Leung, B. W. & Tam, C. O (Eds.)(2008). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education . HKIEd. Hong Kong.

Tam, C. O., & Leung, B. W.(Eds.) (2007). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education . Hong Kong Institute ofEducation. Hong Kong.

Au, K. O. E., & Leung, B. W.(Eds.) (2007). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 5 (1), 82 pp., The HongKong Institute of Education .

Au, K. O. E., & Leung, B. W.(Eds.) (2006). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 4(2), 92 pp., The HongKong Institute of Education .

Leung, B. W., & Au, K. O. E.(Eds.) (2006). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 4 (1), 102pp . The HongKong Institute of Education. Hong Kong.

Leung, B. W., & Au, K. O. E.(Eds.) (2005). Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 3 (2), 137pp . The HongKong Institute of Education. Hong Kong.

Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of abook chapter titled "Cognition and Musical Improvisation in Individual andGroup Contexts". Ashgate.

Leung, B. W. (2011). Review of ajournal article "The Role of Articulation and Performer Expertise onInstrument Identification".

Leung, B. W. (2011). Reviewer of ajournal article "A Chorus Learning Support System using the ChorusLeader's Expertise".

Leung, B. W. (2011). Review of ajournal article titled "For a new culture of music education inMacau".

Leung, B. W. (2011). Reviewer of ajournal article titled "Composition Instruction Enhances ArithmeticPerformance".

Leung, B. W. (2011). Reviewer of ajournal article titled "Lessons for teachers: what lower secondary schoolstudents tell us about learning a musical instrument".

Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of ajournal article titled "Assessment for Learning a decade on: Self-reportedassessment practices.

Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of the8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, July 2011. Taipei.

Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of ajournal article titled "Piano Studios in Jamaica: an understanding of whatconstitute teaching philosophies and teaching and students’ assessmentmethods".

Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of ajournal article titled "An Analysis of the Musical Training Students’ Ability to SolveProblem".

Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of ajournal article titled "Engineering change in the perception of musiceducation in Nigeria: The relevance of Islamic concept".

Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of TheThird International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education, March 2011,Bremen, Germany.

Leung, B. W. (2010). Reviewer of ajournal article titled "Reflections and perspectives on formal andinformal music learning".


Research Projects

Collaborative Project on TeachingCantonese Opera in a secondary school

 The project aims at developingprofessional training of Cantonese opera in a secondary school. TwentySecondary 1 students participated in the project for 2 years and they willreceive professional training of Cantonese opera by professional practiti . . .

 Project Start Year :2011  Chief Investigator(s) :  Chinese Artists Association of HongKong  (Dr LEUNG, Bo Wah 梁寶華 as Co-Investigator)


Evaluation Study on CurriculumImplementation in Arts Education Key Learning Area

 The study aims to answerresearch questions on the implementation and impact of the Arts Education KeyLearning Area, Visual Arts and Music curricula in basic and senior secondaryeducation. The aim is to solicit information from school heads, middle . . .

 Project Start Year :2011  Chief Investigator(s) : LEONG, Samuel 梁信慕   (Dr LEUNG, Bo Wah 梁寶華 as Co-Investigator)


Transmission and pedagogical modelsin Cantonese Opera: A study of the Chinese oral and the Western conservatorytraditions in Hong Kong

 This project has been grantedby the General Research Fund of the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong in2011-12. Cantonese opera is facing a crisis of transmission. Traditionally,Cantonese opera employs oral tradition in transmitting their artistry . . .

 Project Start Year :2011  Chief Investigator(s) : LEUNG, Bo Wah 梁寶華


Collaborative Project on TeachingCantonese Opera in Primary and Secondary Schools

 This project is financiallysupported by the QEF for 3 years.It aims to develop in-service music teachersin teaching Cantonese opera in schools. Cantonese opera artists are invited tocollaborate with music teachers in schools for partnership teachi . . .

 Project Start Year :2009  Chief Investigator(s) : LEUNG, Bo Wah 梁寶華


Creativity and Arts Assessment inCurriculum Reform: Patterns of Assessment Design, Preparation and CourseDelivery in Key Stage 2, 3 and 4

 Assessment is recognised as akey driver of teaching and learning, and 'assessment for learning' has become amajor focus of educational reform in Hong Kong. Teaching and learning are veryoften geared towards the form and content of assessment, and . . .

 Project Start Year :2008  Chief Investigator(s) : LEONG, Samuel 梁信慕   (Dr LEUNG, Bo Wah 梁寶華 as Co-Investigator)


Pilot Project on Teaching CantoneseOpera in Schools 粵劇教學試驗計劃

 The project involved aprofessional artist of Cantonese Opera in collaborating with music teachers inteaching Cantonese opera in primary and secondary schools. Two primary and twosecondary schools were involved in the project in which 14 primary m . . .

 Project Start Year :2008  Chief Investigator(s) : LEUNG, Bo Wah 梁寶華


Education Reform and the Quality ofMusic Education Practice in Hong Kong Secondary Schools: A Mixed-methodApproach

 This study extends on a studywhich found four attributes of teacher quality in music teaching at a Hong Kongsecondary school. It aims to examine how music teachers in different types ofschools implement curriculum reform from September 2006. It . . .

 Project Start Year :2006  Chief Investigator(s) : LEUNG, Bo Wah 梁寶華


External Appointments

2012 -18         Co-Editor, InternationalJournal of Music Education: Practice

2011-             External Examiner, School of Education and Language, The Open University ofHong Kong

2011 -12         Member, Assessment Panel onArts Education KLA, Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence(2011/12)

2011-             External Reviewer of Humanity Research, University of Macau

2010 -14         Board Member, InternationalSociety for Music Education

2010 -16         Commissioner, ResearchCommission, International Society for Music Education

2009-             Vice President, Hong Kong Association for Music Education