Section 6Non-business communication at other activities
in international businessnegotiations
Now wewould like to talkabout them one by one in the following parts.
6.1 Non-businesscommunicationon eating
6.2 Non-businesscommunicationon accommodating
6.3 Non-businesscommunicationon trip mode
6.4 Non-businesscommunicationon traveling
6.5 Non-businesscommunicationon shopping
Of all the Chinese arts and crafts, the most representative go asfollows:
1. Bronze vessels(青铜器)
2. Chinacalligraphy
3.Chinese cloisonné(景泰蓝)
4. Chinesejade
5. Chineseembroidery
6. Folk toys
7. Chinesekites
8. Lacquerware (漆器) f
9. Chineselanterns (灯笼)
10. Chinesepainting
11. Papercuttings
12. Chineseporcelain
13. Chinesepottery
14. Chinaseals
15. Shadowpuppetry
16. Chinasilk:
6.6 Non-business communication on entertainment
1. China music
2. Chinese opera