
  • 1 Introduction
    • 1.1 Introduction
  • 2 Chapter 1 Why English Public Speaking
    • 2.1 Public Speaking: the key to success
    • 2.2 Types of public speaking
    • 2.3 Self-introduction Speech
    • 2.4 Quiz
  • 3 Chapter 2 Building up your confidence
    • 3.1 Dealing with stage fright
    • 3.2 Building up confidence
    • 3.3 Product Presentation
    • 3.4 Quiz
  • 4 Chapter 3 Connect with your Audience
    • 4.1 Analyzing your audience
    • 4.2 Adapting to your audience
    • 4.3 Ceremonial Address
    • 4.4 Quiz
  • 5 Chapter 4 Preparations before Presenting
    • 5.1 Choosing a topic
    • 5.2 Campaign speech
    • 5.3 Quiz
  • 6 Chapter 5  How to begin and end the speech
    • 6.1 Beginning the speech
    • 6.2 Ending the speech
  • 7 Chapter 6 Organizing the Body of the Speech
    • 7.1 Selecting the main points
    • 7.2 Supporting your speech
  • 8 Chapter 7 Master the Power of Language
    • 8.1 Using simple and concise language
    • 8.2 Using coherent language
    • 8.3 Using vivid language
    • 8.4 Adding humor in public speaking
  • 9 Chapter 8 Nonverbal Skills of Public Speaking
    • 9.1 Designing visual aids
    • 9.2 Using body language
    • 9.3 Controlling your voice
  • 10 Chapter 9 Making an Impromptu Speech
    • 10.1 Making an impromptu speech
    • 10.2 Final Speech
Ceremonial Address

Speech Drill

Please get ready to make a self-introduction speech in class. 




1.       注意礼节Pay attention to etiquette

礼节是礼仪祝词的精髓和主要目的。不论大小场合的礼仪祝词演讲都需要注意使用适当的礼貌用语,切不可使用粗俗、粗暴、有攻击性的语言。譬如称呼语的使用,最常用的礼貌称呼是ladies and gentlemen,如是同事或朋友可以用dear friendsdear colleagues。如有贵宾出席则一定要着重介绍,如使用distinguished guests,或者按照贵宾的身份级别,从高到低排序。

此外,在遇到某些敏感话题或敏感词汇时,要注意使用委婉语。如在国际艾滋病大会上,致辞者应避免使用AIDS patient这样的词汇,以避免在场HIV病毒携带者感觉自己是病人。可以用一些中性词语却而代之,如people living with HIVHIV-positive

2.       情感真挚Be sincere

礼仪祝词具备社交功能,应该适当地直抒胸臆,表示良好的祝愿。致辞者应该毫不吝啬地将诚挚的情感在演讲中直接而得体地表露出来。致辞中常表露的感情有:愉快(pleasure, great,happy, delighted, pleasedglad),荣幸(honorprivilege),骄傲(proud, pride, 激动(excited, thrilled, emotional)等;可辅以常用的搭配如:衷心地感谢(profound gratitude, heartfeltthankssincere thanksextremely/so grateful)、热烈的欢迎(warm welcomewarmest welcome)、衷心地祝福(best wishes)。


3.      使用套语 Use formulaic speech




ž   I wish to…


ž   Let me begin by…


ž   Please allow me to  begin by…


ž   I would like to  begin by…


ž   I would like to…



on behalf of sb.



ž   extend/extending my  welcome to sb.


ž   express/expressing  my thanks to sb. for sth.


ž   offer/offering my  congratulations to sb. on sth.


Address and Greetings

ž  Ladies and Gentlemen

ž  Dear friends

ž  Distinguished guests

ž  Honored guests

ž  Dear colleagues

ž  Dear athletes

ž  Dear faculty and staff members, students and friends

ž  Mr. President

ž  It is agreat pleasure to join you all this morning.

ž  It is agreat pleasure to see so many friends in the audience.

Express Pleasure and Honor

ž  It gives megreat pleasure to attend tonight’s dinner.

ž  It is mygreat pleasure to join you at this reception.

ž   It is a great pleasureto see so many friends in the audience.

ž   It is indeed an honor to have been invited tospeak before the group assembled this evening.

ž   It is a great honor for me to be here inShanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you.

ž   I’m glad to visit theUnited States in the lovely season of spring, at your invitation, Mr.President.

ž   It is a privilege toopen this inaugural meeting of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between theUnited States and China.

Express Thanks

ž  Thank youfor inviting me to speak here.

ž  Thank youfor letting me share this wonderful day with you.

ž  Thank youall for joining us this morning.

ž   Thanks to all of youfor taking the time to be here this evening.

ž   Thank you, PresidentWang, for that most flattering introduction.

ž   I am grateful for yourhospitality, and honored by this reception at one of China’s greatuniversities.

ž   I wish to express mygratitude to David Wang for his immense practical help.


ž  I offer eachof you my warmest welcome!

ž   Good evening and a big welcome to this specialand festive gathering.

ž   Let me begin by warmlywelcoming all of you to the Chinese Embassy.

ž   I would like to extendmy warm welcome to Mr. Lu Hao and members of the Chinese youth delegation.

ž   Let me extend our cordial greetings andheartfelt gratitude to all guests and friends present.

ž   Welcome to thisreception in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of founding of the People’sRepublic of China.

ž   On behalf of the Chinese Government and people,I wish to extend a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests who have cometo Beijing for the Games.

Wishes and Blessings

ž   All the best with yourfamily.

ž   A toast to your healthand success.

ž   I wish the exhibitioncomplete/great success.

ž   At last, I wish greatsuccess to this forum and this art exhibition.

ž   Let me begin by commending you all for thesuccessful Olympic Games.

ž   Let me take this opportunity to wish you all thevery best in the year to come.

ž   This year marks the 800th anniversary of theuniversity. Please accept my warm congratulations.

ž   May you continue inyour efforts and achieve new and greater successes.

ž   It is a great pleasurefor me to congratulate the Peoples Republic of China on its 60-yearanniversary.

Acceptance speech /Award-acceptanceSpeech

获奖感言是一种特殊的礼仪致辞,是指演讲者获得表彰或得奖后,表达感想的一种演说。这是获奖者表达感激、谦逊和优雅魅力的好机会(This speech gives therecipient an opportunity to show appreciation for the award as well as humilityand grace)(O’Hair & Stewart, 2007)。不论演讲者是在获奖一段时间后演讲(如诺贝尔奖);还是现场揭晓后马上演讲(如奥斯卡),都需要提前准备好讲稿或提纲,以及需要感谢的人名,以防在重要时刻过于激动,不知所云。2001年朱莉亚·罗伯茨获得最佳女配角领奖时在台上傻笑了三分钟;2002年奥斯卡影后哈里·贝瑞在获奖感言中一口气说了31个感谢。虽然她们的个人魅力无法阻挡,但发表获奖感言时的表现未免有些尴尬。


除了诺贝尔奖外,世界影视文化届的盛世“奥斯卡金像奖”的颁奖典礼也吸引着全世界的目光。奥斯卡除了奖项的魅力外,颁奖典礼上获奖者的感言也成为了大众热议的焦点。美国媒体曾大篇幅撰文指导获奖者“如何写一篇与众不同的奥斯卡感言(How to Write an Oscar Speech)”。福布斯针对奥斯卡的获奖感言做过一个统计,从数据上概括明星们获奖感言的内容,发现几乎所有的人都先感谢导演、剧组成员、感谢丈夫/妻子。令人欣慰的是,跟踪语言发展趋势的全球语言监测机构2006年公开了一份研究报告表明:奥斯卡获奖演员的获奖感言总体上正在走向成熟。


1.      简短而真情Be brief and truthful.



首先感谢一下主办方既大方也得体:“I’d like to thank the Academy for allowing me to be here today.”。然后,选择几个需要重点感谢的人,概括性地感谢其他人,以免厚此薄彼。奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn),凭借《罗马假日》赢得最佳女主角。她的感言抑扬顿挫,简洁而富有深情,堪称经典:

“It’s too much. I wanna say thankyou to EVERYbody these past months and years who have helped, guided andgiven me so much. I’m truly truly grateful and terribly happy.” (Audrey Hepburn,1954)

此外,在感谢别人时,最好不要简单地一笔带过,而是用一种特别的方式使感谢深入人心。如诺贝尔经济学奖获得者约翰·纳什(John Forbes Nash)是这样感谢他的妻子,这或许是最深情、最特别的一种表白:

“And I have made the mostimportant discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life: Itis only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can befound. I’m only here tonight because of youhis wife, Alicia. You are the reason Iam. You are all my reasons. Thank you.” (John Forbes Nash, 1994)

2006年凭借《卡波特》获得最佳男主角奖的菲利普·西摩尔·霍夫曼(Philip Seymour Hoffman)上台领奖时发表的获奖感言中,他对母亲的描述和故事感动了所有人。

“She brought up four kids aloneand she deserves a congratulations for that. Ah, we’re at the party, Ma, youknow? And she took me to my first play and she stayed up with me and watchedthe NCAA Final Four, and my passions, her passions became my passions. And, youknow, be proud, Mom, because I’m proud of you and we’re here tonight and it’sso good.” (Philip Seymour Hoffman,2006)

2.      态度谦逊 Be modest, state how honored you are.

获得奖项是对个人成就的一种肯定,但没有团队的共同努力、家庭的支持和帮助,个人成绩无从谈起。此外,一人获奖意味着他人落败。如果获奖人不懂得感恩,狂妄自大,相信所有人都会为此感到遗憾。《泰坦尼克》的导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆曾在发表感言时大呼:“I’m king of the world”。虽然这是电影中的经典台词,但这或许会让部分听众感到不快。适当表达荣幸、谦逊的态度会赢得更多听众的掌声。以下句子可供参考:

ž  I never thought I wouldwin such an honor.

ž  Oh man. Oh man. I’d belying if I didn’t say I was preparing for this after the nomination...but it’sstill a huge shock. Let me catch my breath for a second.

ž  I am so pleased to winActress of the Year. Receiving this award is such an amazing honor.


“I am both surprised anddeeply humbled by the decision of the Nobel Committee. Let me be clear, Ido not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments, but rather as anaffirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people inall nations.”(Barack Obama, 2009)


“I thank the SwedishAcademy for finding my work worthy of this highest honor. In my heart there maybe doubt that I deserve the Nobel award over other men of letters whom I holdin respect and reverence — but there is noquestion of my pleasure and pride in having it for myself. ” (JohnSteinbeck, 1962)

3.      来点“意外”,来点“升华”Surprise people, say something inspirational


夺得奥斯卡奖的老牌影星杰克·帕兰斯(Jack Palance)大爷突然在台上做起了单手俯卧撑,证明自己年老未衰,博得满堂喝彩。2013年获得奥斯卡最佳导演的阿方索·卡隆富(Alfonso Cuarón)与观众分享与电影有关的哲学感悟,颇让人深思:“Like any other human endeavor,making a film can be a transformative experience. It’s good because it took solong — but not a waste of time!

一些获奖者在感言中表示将奖项献给某些特殊群体,赋予奖项更大的意义。2013年最佳影片《为奴十二年》领奖者史蒂夫·麦奎因(Steve Mcqueen)将奖项献给那些忍受奴役的人们:

“I dedicate this award to all thepeople who have endured slavery and the 21 million people who still sufferslavery today.”

最佳女配角露皮塔·尼永奥( Lupita Nyong’o)激动地鼓励那些怀抱梦想的人们:

“When I look down at this goldenstatue, may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you’refrom, your dreams are valid.”

史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)凭借《拯救大兵》获奖时,真诚地感谢二战中失去亲人的家庭:

“What I would like todo is just thank very, very sincerely to, the families who lost sons in World WarII, I want to thank the Nylon family andthe Soloven families and I want to thank all the families who incurred thesetremendous loses. In this war, we try to show a story of one such family and itturned up that there were many such families unfortunately. ”

Study the followingexpressions about acceptance speeches/ award acceptance speeches. Use them in your presentations.





About the award


Reasons for thanks




can’t believe






































good cooperation


hard work











ž   It’s quiteoverwhelming.

ž   I’m very humbled to behere tonight.

ž   I never thought I’d behere in my whole life.

ž   I am greatly honoredto receive this award.

ž   I am so excited to winthis award.

ž   I’m very grateful toreceive this award

ž   Thank you so much! Oh,my God! I just can’t believe it!

ž   Is it real or just adream?

ž   Please forgive me, Iam, I am just so shocked and so thankful.

ž   I never expected thisaward tonight.

ž   I can’t begin to tellyou how much I appreciate this great honor.

ž   I will remember thisnight for the rest of my life!

ž   Words can’t expresshow honored I feel at this moment.

ž   I am both surprisedand deeply humbled by the decision of the Nobel Committee.

Expressing thanks

ž   Thank you to themembers of the Academy for this honor.

ž   I really need to sharethis with all 3,000 and everybody who worked with me on Life of Pi.

ž   I really want to thankyou for believing in this story and sharing this incredible journey with me.

ž   I want to thank theAcademy for this incredible honor.

ž   I’d like to thank someof the people along the way who had faith in me.

ž   A very special “thankyou” to Jim Mangold, who directed the film

ž   I need to thank YannMartel for writing this incredible, inspiring book

ž   I want to thank myMom. she’s sitting right over there. She’s amazing, she’s beautiful.

ž   Thank you to myfamily, my love. Your support and your guidance make everything that I dopossible.

ž   I want to express myappreciation to all of my friends for their support.

ž   I want to thank myparents for bringing me into this world.

ž   I want to thank myhusband, for his understanding and kindness.

ž   I just want to saythank you so much for everything, for being so proud of me.

I want to say thankyou to my wonderful husband and my two children who should be going to bed. 

以上摘自: 章莉. 《英语演讲实训教程》, 清华大学出版社,2015.11.